Click the above link and look for the box at top right that says "Find address or place" and type just your street address and the zip code and the aerial map should zoom to your address (or close) and should indicate the FIRM (Federal Insurance Rate Map) Panel number and effective date (2/5/2014). Areas other than Zone X will be indicated by some sort of colored shading and labeled, such as "A" or "AE". Zooming in or out is by scroll wheel or the + and - signs at upper left corner of the map.
This is an informational tool to utilize for gathering information about protecting your home and property from flooding and other natural disasters. Jefferson County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) - Community Rating System (CRS). The county's current rating is 8, which translates into a discount in flood insurance premiums for homeowners who purchase flood insurance for their structures. "Communities" are rated from 1-10 depending on a number of criteria. The lower the number, the better the rating. One of the key elements to obtaining and maintaining a better rating (lowering the rating number) is providing as much information as possible to homeowners regarding the protection of their properties from various dangers or natural disasters. The primary purpose of this page is providing information regarding flooding. This page will be updated as frequently as possible and necessary to include the most up-to-date information available.
https://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/ - This is the homepage of the NFIP and is an invaluable source of up-to-date data and information.
Be Ready - This page will guide you through what to do in the event of a natural disaster, ways to prepare and stay safe.
Hurricane Survival Guide - This guide is provided as a community service by the Capital Area Chapter American Red Cross, The Apalachee Regional Planning Council and Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, and Madison counties
How the NFIP Works - A pamphlet explaining the Emergency Program if the NFIP.